Blueberry Mint Summer Ice Cubes

06 27

Who’s ready for a summer drink?! Put these fancy blueberry mint ice cubes in your favorite cocktail or mocktail.

Not only are they beautiful but add a touch of flavor to your beverage. I decided to use a Strawberry Lemon Poppi to create these cubes. You can easily opt for good ole water as well. Either way they’re cute and a great way to elevate your drink this summer.

I found my set of two silicone ice molds on Amazon – link here.

See below of a list of ingredients and steps to make. Enjoy!


1 cup of mint leaves

1 tub of blueberries

*optional – 1 can of your favorite Poppi


1. Place 2-3 mint leaves in each ice cube mold.

2. Fill each mold in the tray with blueberries – about 5.

3. Pour your preferred liquid (water or Poppi) into the tray completely filling up each mold. I used one Strawberry Lemon Poppi.

4. Put into the freezer. Let it sit for 8 hours until fully hard.

5. Pop a few in a glass, pour over your favorite drink and enjoy!

blueberry mint summer ice cubes
blueberry mint summer ice cubes
blueberry mint summer ice cubes
blueberry mint summer ice cubes

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