Galentine’s Day Girls Night

01 29

Galentine’s Day Party Details

Calling all lady boos!!  February is around the corner and that means Valentine’s Day is only a few short weeks away.  I not only think this is a great opportunity to spend time with your significant other BUT also your besties!!  This is a great reminder to share the LOVE with everyone in your life.  I always make my February girls night a Galentine’s Day themed party.  Have fun with it, babes!

I’ve been putting together Galentine’s Day bashes for the past 3 years.  On today’s post, I utilized older decorations I’ve collected over the years, and paired them with some new beauties: faux flowers, coupe glasses, a heart banner and festive straws.  If you don’t see a link to a specific item in my shops below, it means it’s an oldie.  If that’s the case, I’ve linked the most similar decoration I could find.

I also love GIFT giving and come Love Day, I always give my gals a little something special.  If y’all follow me on Instagram, you saw I hosted 4 of my fave blogger babes in Idaho this past weekend.  Our girls weekend consisted of: an epic snowshoe, hot tub time, yummy dinners and a lot of girl talk.  Upon their arrival I thought of a few favors to get each of them: a personalized pajama set, a custom water bottle, a name necklace and a face masks.  All of these items are budg-friendly gift ideas for your gals!  They were all a hit!!  Shop them below.

 As y’all can see, I styled out a LOVE-themed bar cart along with creating a cozy lil’ seating area around it.  Put some cute Valentine’s Day pjs on, pour yourself a cocktail and hang out with your gals this February!

Please leave a comment with any questions below.

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Shop Gal Gifts

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galentines day
galentines day
galentines day
galentines day
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