DIY DENIM || Jean Jacket

09 02

diy denim styled by kasey

Shop DIY Denim

Jean Jacket: Forever 21 ($29!)  ||  Iron-on Letters: Michaels  ||  Patches: Girl Power Pack, Los Angeles  ||  Pins: Lipstick, Champagne  ||  Crystals: Michaels  ||  Adhesive: Iron-on Adhesive



[1] Iron
[2] Cardboard
[3] Adhesive (linked above)
[4] Scissors


DIY How-to

Hello, ladies!! Patched jackets are super trendy right now.  You can literally walk into any retailer and find numerous options.  But I stated thinking to myself, why not make it personal and create my own?! Well… that’s exactly what I did!
First you will need all your supplies (listed above), the piece of denim you will be embellishing and let’s not forget the fun stuff: patches, pins, letters.  I took some time and looked for patches and pins in different shops and online stores. I found some vintage beauties but I also discovered great finds at Nasty Gal & Forever 21 (see below).  Whatever you choose, make it custom to your own personality!  Not only did I make it personal with pins and patches but I bought iron-on letters to spell out “Styled By Kasey” for the back.  I meannnnnn… it’s everything!  If you are DIY-ing a jacket the back is the perfect place for a name, nickname, last name, etc.
So now that you have all of your fixings, let’s DIY your denim!  I started with the back.  Make sure to put a piece of cardboard in between the jacket just in case… you don’t want to melt through it with the iron.  I placed all of the letters and few patches on my jacket.  Once I knew they were in the perfect position, I started to iron on each letter/patch one-by-one.  If you don’t buy the iron-on patches you can use the adhesive I linked above. It’s a bit more time intensive as you would need to cutout the shape of the letter/patch, place it on the back and then iron it on.  I would highly suggest buying them all ready to go!
Next up, I pined all my beauties on the front of my jacket and finished up with a few patches.  My vintage skull number was obvi my most favorite!  Gals, it’s literally that easy! Bing. Bang. Boom!!  Give it a shot – you got this girlllllll 😉


Shop Patches & Pins


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