Butterflies: Topixdeals || Adhesive: 3M || Glitter Blast: Krylon || Gold Glitter: Spectra || Wings: Amazon
Skull One Piece: Windsor || Rose Head Crown: Windsor
Dress-up time is almost here!! EEEEEEEEEEEE! I can NOT wait if you haven’t noticed 😉 I wanted to give y’all a lil’ inspo with a classic costume and a new idea – half-skull/glam and butterfly Snapchat filter! My amazing friend from Hollywood Makeup made my bestie and I up with some epic makeup to go along with our looks. Check her out here!
I had a DIY moment and made my butterfly crown. It was SO much fun and really easy! Let’s do this! Ok, layout a piece of cardboard as your workspace. It makes for an easy cleanup with the spray and glitter 😉 First set out all of the butterflies and spray them with one layer of adhesive and one layer of glitter blast (front and back). I then sprinkled the gold glitter on each side of the butterflies. Be generous with the glitter! I let them dry for a few hours. Next up I hot glued bobby pins on the back of each butterfly – let dry for at least an hour. Ok, can you believe you are done… it was that easy!! When you are ready to get dressed, pin the butterflies around your head in the shape of a crown. Bing. Bang. Boom. Your filter is made! I wore a white dress that I already had in my closet and fun heels. Now it was makeup time. The filter makes you look tan with a light lip so that was def happening. Add some major GLOW and glitter and you’re all set! Lastly I slipped on my wings and I was ready to fly awayyyyyyy! YAY!
If you don’t feel like getting crafty, don’t you worry! There are many cute costumes with little to NO work. I mean… who doesn’t want to put on a one piece and add some MAJOR makeup! Sign me up!! I found the skull onsie and crown from Windsor Store for $40 – Wooohooo! Next up, MAKE-UP time! You may attempt this makeup OR find someone to help you out 🙂 Here’s video tutorial I found that may help you ladies out – Half Skull Halloween.
Happy dressing up!!
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