Halloween || Decor

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halloween-decor_sbk_13-edithalloween decor styled by kaseyhalloween decor styled by kaseyhalloween decor styled by kaseyhalloween decor styled by kaseyhalloween decor styled by kaseyhalloween tablescape styled by kasey


It’s my favorite time of year and that means it’s time to decorate!  I have collected my Halloween decor for years BUT don’t worry ladies, I have found some great new items!!  If you haven’t noticed, I’m not an orange fan so I opted for a black and white situation.  Like fashion home is very personal and one must create their own style.  I LOVE skulls to say the least, so I have them scattered throughout my house in ALL different sizes.  Like, I have two life-size babes sitting at my dinning room table.  I mean, why not?!!  I guess other than the fact they scare my hubs in the middle of the night, hehe 😉  I found them at a few years ago at Pottery Barn (on sale!) and now they are part of the fam!  This year I came across some metallic beauties from World Market.  I bought a little lady in silver and LOVE her just as much.  Every year I add some gems to my collection 🙂

So you ask, where do I find everything??  Well… I look ALL over the place – Michaels, Home Goods, World Market, Pottery Barn and the list goes on and on.  I’m ALWAYS on the hunt. 😉  One of my most fave spots is ETSY!  I could spend hours searching for the perfect decor.  A new fave shop I found is Luna Wishes Studios.  They have the best banners at great price points ($13-16) – “hocus pocus” and “skulls” both pictured above.  Check them out here!  Another shop I love is Design House Decor. They make the best signage – see their collection here!

Whatever your Halloween style, have fun with it!! Stay tuned for costume inspo tomorrow!

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