Easy Homemade Hot Cocoa

11 15

Ready for the easiest hot cocoa in alllllll of the land?! Let’s go!

You can make this with any kind of milk so for my diary free peeps, I got you! I typically use whole milk. This recipe calls for only 4 ingredients, keeping it simple and clean. Have you ever looked at the back of a hot chocolate mix label?? It’s scary!

My version uses cocoa powder, milk, a little bit of maple syrup to sweet it up and a touch of vanilla! This is a great healthier alternative than most. See below for links to all of my kitchen goodies and a detailed recipe. Enjoy!

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{4 servings}

4 cups of milk

4 tablespoons cacao powder

3 teaspoon maple syrup

1 teaspoon vanilla


1. Place all four ingredients in a pot over medium heat. I love my glass option from Amazon (only $36!).

2. Whisk for 3-4 minutes.

3. Pour into a mugs and add your favorite toppings. Enjoy!

homemade hot cocoa
homemade hot cocoa
homemade hot cocoa
homemade hot cocoa
homemade hot cocoa
homemade hot cocoa
homemade hot cocoa
homemade hot cocoa

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