My Birth Plan + Why I Chose to Have a Home Birth

07 25
birth plan

Birth Plan Details

Hi babes! I first want to start out by mentioning, I was a bit apprehensive to write this post. Everyone’s pregnancy, labor and motherhood experience is different, and I think it’s important to honor that. I’ve decided to share my birth plan with y’all because after announcing I was pregnant, I soon realized many of you are too! The purpose of my pregnancy/baby content is to first and foremost help you all and let you know you’re not alone. My goal is to be transparent with my journey and what works for me. Again, everyone is different and should do what feels right for them!

If you missed my previous pregnancy posts, check them out here: Preparation and First Trimester, Pregnancy Safe Morning Skincare Routine, Pregnancy Safe Foundations and Concealers and Pregnancy Safe Nighttime Skincare Routine.

After much research, consideration, meeting with doctors and midwives, I’ve decided to have a home birth. Say whaaaaaat?! Ya, I know. I never thought about it and/or considered it prior to becoming pregnant. It is not part of our culture like many others in the world and prior to 4 months ago, I knew not one person who had done it. So, you may be asking, WHY?!! Let me tell you…

I moved to Idaho less than a year ago and I did not have an OBGYN. Since I live in a small town, there are only a few options. After I found out I was expecting, I made an appointment, went to my 8 week check up with the new doc, and to be completely honest, did not feel comfortable. I can’t put my finger on exactly one thing, but I did know it felt robotic, overly clinical and lacked compassion, love and joy. Ya know… all the things you want when having a child?! I had an amazing OB when I lived in LA and unfortunately when I left my appointment in Idaho, I felt helpless. Is this really my only option??

At that point, I knew I needed to start looking into alternatives and/or ways in which I could improved my feeling about giving birth in general. I first found a local doula and met with her. I had a few friends use them but really knew nothing about what they actually did. It was very informative and I felt it would be a good calming presence between myself and the hospital staff, to deliver the baby naturally and in the way I would like. That being said, there is only so much a doula can do in a hospital setting due to regulations. I also learned that many hospitals are now performing cesarian sections at alarming rate. Personally I want to give birth vaginally, and this alone was frightening to me. I was given a book recommendation to read by the doula about home births as well as a local midwife’s contact information. At this point, I still had NO idea what to do.

I started reading the book and educating myself on what a home birth would mean for me. Next I reached out to the local midwife and met her for a consultation. I then went a step further and chatted with women that have had home births with her and listened to their stories. In my mind I was doing my research, collecting all of the information I could and meeting with women who have had births – both hospital and at home. Still, I had no intention of having a home birth.

The more I read and talked to individuals in this space, the more I felt like maybe this was my path. Could it be?? I learned it is no more risky to have a home birth than a hospital birth. The environment created by the midwife is one of calmness and in many hospital settings this is not a priority. Before giving birth, the midwife is the one doing all checkups as well as providing services of meditation, hypnosis, body work and more. All of this resonated with me! I want my body to be prepared for birth as well as my mind. Post baby, midwives usually see you for 6 weeks. In the midwifery community, it’s strongly believed the 4th trimester is extremely important for the health and wellbeing of the mother. Not only does the baby get cared for but so does the mom.

I wanted to have what some would say a “spiritual” experience giving birth, not focused solely on “pain”, but rather how amazing a females’ body is. I mean, what’s more incredible than creating a human?! I kept thinking to myself, women were made to do this! Each day that went by I started to feel more empowered to take my labor journey into my own hands. Through much thought, prayer and listening to my inner-self, I’ve decided to have a home birth.

Yes, this is my plan however if there are complications and/or I decide it’s not working for me, I have no problem going to the hospital. At this point in time, this is the journey I choose. My hope in posting this is to share my experience with pregnancy, why I am selecting my birth plan and to give y’all a different perspective. We will see how it goes. At the end of the day, all I pray for is a healthy baby.

As I mentioned above a women’s journey with pregnancy, labor, motherhood and let’s be honest everything in life, is different per the individual. I’m confident that if we are aware of other’s journeys, we can start to be more accepting and take judgement out of our lives. I was told many years ago, “we are all spiritual beings having a human experience”. This really resonated with me and I’m hopeful to stay grounded in that truth during birth and in life. Bringing a new little one into the world can be overwhelming however I am choosing to view it with a calm head space, not focusing on stressful, negative thoughts. The mind is a very powerful thing. πŸ™‚

Thanks for taking the time to read this post! If you have any questions, comment below.

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  1. Love all of this! We WERE made to do this! Can’t wait for your little one to arrive ❀️ Congratulations!

  2. This is awesome! I love how empowering pregnancy and birth are for women. Good for you for being open to alternative birth plans and allowing yourself to find whats right for you. That being said… my best friend is a NICU nurse turned mid-wife in MI. It’s always part her plan to have a fast and safe plan D to get to the hospital fast if the birth calls for it. I am sure you have this plan as well, you seem like a planner:) But I know you guys live a bit out there so wanted to mention it!

    Cant wait to hear more about your journey (ugh, hate that word).

    • Thank you, Christie! We do have a backup plan. Thankfully we are only 10 minutes from the hospital. Excited to share the experience with you all! xo

  3. Hi Kasey!

    I live an hour or so south of you and have found a really phenomenal doctor that delivered my son and serves as our family doc. I trust her implicitly and she has been nothing but supportive and encouraging in all facets of our health and wellbeing. If you’re interested I would be more than happy to pass her information along to you.

    Sending my best to you and babe ❀️

    • Thank you, Sam! I found a family doc two weeks ago that will see me and the baby after – she is great! I appreciate your support! xo

  4. Fully support doing what makes you the most comfortable and happy!! I switched from a traditional OBGYN to a midwife at 36wks bc of how the OBGYN responded to my wishes for l&d (literally laughed and used the words gross and ew) and it was the best decision i made for me and my baby!

    • Totally agree – everyone is on their own journey! I’m so glad to hear you made the right decision for you and your babe! xoxo

  5. Your desire for a calm home delivery is totally understandable. Sending all positive thoughts and well wishes your way for a wonderful birthing experience and a healthy happy one too!

  6. Thank you for sharing your birth plan! We are due in 7 weeks and can’t wait to meet our sweet boy. Having an at home birth has always been in the back of my mind. I’m lucky I have an amazing OBGYN and the hospital I delivered at here in Austin, TX with my last two was nothing short of a wonderful experience. So happy for you and look forward to watching your journey πŸ™‚

    • Hi Patricia – currently a 23 week pregnant Austin gal myself! I’m so impressed with anyone who chooses a home birth (You go Kasey!) but I feel like my journey will likely be in a hospital. Do you mind sharing which hospital it was that you had a wonderful experience at here in ATX?!? Thanks!!

    • Hi Patricia! Of course! I am happy to hear you have had good experiences! I am hopeful mine will be as well. Good luck on number 3, mama! xo

  7. I am so happy for you!! Everything should go great!! As long as you are mentally prepared for the pain and how to work through it you should be fine. Everything else comes naturally πŸ˜‰
    Congratulations Mama!!

  8. While I did not have a home birth, I gave birth to my daughter in a warm tub using the Bradley Method. There are many birthing options to choose from; I found this one nice because it includes your spouse in the birthing process as well! Best of luck to you Mama…women are super heroes!

  9. I did a home birth with my second and it was a truly amazing and wonderful experience. Of course, I had my first birth to compare it to and I didn’t like being in a hospital at all. It made it easier to pick doing a home birth because I had something to compare it to. Also, my second was a 10 lb boy and it was still way easier than the first birth. Best of luck to you in this whole process!

    • Love hearing your story, Jehda. I have spoken to many women that have had their first in the hospital and second at home, and prefer the latter. I’m glad it was amazing! I’m hopeful mine will be as well πŸ™‚ xoxo

  10. I totally agree with everything you’ve said- birthing your baby should be a spiritual experience. You’re a healthy young woman and I don’t see any reason a home birth would be unsafe for you. If something comes up they can always take you to the hospital, but most likely it will be a beautiful experience! Best of luck to you!!